Real Estate Reference Four Rules of Real Estate
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  by Dirk Zeller

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  Recently I was reflecting on what it took to be successful in real estate and life. My mind recalled a movie from the early 1980’s called Buckaroo Bonzai. One of the characters in the movie had a saying that caught on in my circle of friends at the time. The saying was “where ever you go…there you are.” Now it was a cute little saying at the time, but the truth is most of us have to struggle to live it.

How many times have we gone to show a property, list a home, go to work, spend time with our family, and we weren’t really there? “Where ever you go…there you are.” But are we really there? We are certainly there in physical body, but are we mentally there?

Let me share with you the four rules of real estate.

1. Be there. This rule means to show up on time. Being on time to a listing appointment can often mean the difference between getting the listing and not getting the listing. It means preparing before you go on an appointment so you are ready. Being there also means treating your real estate career like a real job. Show up at work everyday at the same time. My day started at 7 a.m. during my sales career. It was very rare for me not to be in the office at that time.

2. Focus mentally. Focus mentally means to be in the moment with intense concentration. The better you focus mentally the more results you will get for your time invested. If you need to listen to the client…focus on what the client is saying. If you are formulating your answer or response, you are not listening to the client. Learning to focus is one of the most valuable skills you can acquire. Focus always comes before success. Focus means to pay attention to what is happening around you, to pay attention to the details of success. It is usually a small thing that separates success from failure. Just ask the United States women’s soccer team or better yet, ask China. One penalty kick made the difference between first and second place. The difference between the number one PGA tour player, Tiger Woods, and number 150 is about one stroke per 18 holes and over four million dollars in earnings. Focus mentally in the moment you are in.

3. Tell the truth. In ever
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